Re:Other Theme Possibilities

 Posted on 12/12/1995 by Jms at B5 to AOL

Basically, any attempt to break down the B5 story into pure good vs.
pure evil is going to fall apart sooner or later. The thematic elements
point to greyer areas: will you lead, or will you be led by others? What is
your responsibility to the world around you, and how far will you go before
you do something drastically wrong? The key themes in this show are choice,
and responsibility.

How different would this story be if Londo had simply chosen *not* to go
the easy way and go to Mr. Morden? We are here because he made certain
choices, and now he has to live with them. Actions have consequences.


Re:Other Theme Possibilities

 Posted on 12/14/1995 by Jms at B5 to AOL

{The Shadows probably don't consider themselves evil}

Good point. The monster almost never sees a monster in the mirror.
There can be all kinds of justifications for what one does....


Re:Other Theme Possibilities

 Posted on 12/14/1995 by Jms at B5 to AOL

I think that in the larger scope, many things are going to happen
regardless...World War One would've almost certainly happened even without
the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, but it might have happened later,
might have taken on a different form....

But there's a great deal over which we *do* have free will. Things
*can* be changed; if they can't, then there's not much point to living. The
characters like to think they have no choice to comfort themselves with the
decisions they've already made.
